A warm gold eyeshadow, placed as a dot in the center of the upper eyelid, just above the eyeliner, then covered with the usual matte eyeshadow, adds dimension and accentuates that impossible antique gold in the eye. It is like fire inside the eye. A particle of MAC Woodwinked works well.
- May 28, 2010
- 2 min read
The makeup that looks most believable, youngest, the least severe (synonymous with aging), and the least fake is found in our natural colouring.
- May 05, 2010
- 1 min read
There is a simple system that matches up every piece of the makeup puzzle so it works together, and with the person, with their clothes, with their hair. The legwork is done for you forever more. You have a map of your own colouring. Personal Colour Analysis is the GPS that points you directly to your best makeup colours.
- April 26, 2010
- 1 min read