Frequently Asked Questions

- A detailed colour analysis with Season identification.
- A palette of 90 colours with how-to-use demonstration.
- Cosmetic colour demonstration.
- Recommendations for chemical hair colour.
- Information regarding any other aspect of colour in appearance, such as eyeglass frames or wedding dress white.
- Season Guide PDF document outlining the Season colours and how to choose apparel, cosmetics, hair colour, jewelry, and accessories, plus a section for men.

Please note: Retail cosmetic sales are being discontinued and products may not be available for purchase at the time of your session.

Scheduling is flexible and includes weekends and holidays. Please contact me by email (christine@12blueprints.com) or via the Book a consultation or Contact forms on this website to discuss availability.

The location is Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada.


>> CN450.00, includes colour palette, Season Guide PDF, and cosmetic and hair colour demos (+ 15% PE HST tax, $67.50) = 517.50 CDN.

>> CN400.00, includes colour palette and Season Guide PDF (15% PE HST tax, $60.00) = 460.00.

Payment options:

1. Cash, either CN or US. If paying in USD, please be aware of the current exchange rate and bring the exact amount as I am unable to offer change.

2. E-mail transfer in Canada. Information for sending shared at time of session.

3. PayPal. Please allow me to send an invoice within a day of the session.

3 types of consultations are available:

1. Being a colour model for a colour analyst training course: The model enjoys the full colour analysis experience at no cost. The conversation may be theoretical to focus on the student's learning. Questions during the analysis are welcome.
The full size palette may be purchased for CN70.00 (includes 15% HST of $10.50).
(Regular palette retail price is US125.00 + US shipping.)
Find more information under Colour Analysis > Be a draping model.

2. The client colour analysis experience: a comprehensive, personalized session, including the colour palette and demo, and Season Guide PDF.

3. The client colour analysis experience, including the colour palette, Season Guide PDF, plus cosmetic and hair colour demo and recommendations.

More information may be found under the Colour Analysis tab > Book a consultation.

For clients and colour models:

Dress in layers. The studio may be cool or you may find the drapes warm.

Avoid clothing with hoods.

Do not wear makeup, including eyebrows or sunscreens. Moisturizer is fine to keep skin feeling comfortable.

Avoid earrings if possible.

If you wear glasses and have several pairs, choose the least colourful frames, with the clearest lenses. Contact lenses are ideal if you have the option.

Avoid facials, self tanner, or any activity that may temporarily affect skin colour for 2 weeks prior to the analysis session.

Cosmetic colours are outlined on paper with a how-to-use demo for using your Season palette with makeup. Bring any cosmetics you currently wear to discuss and compare (recommended). You are welcome to apply any colours to try, with brushes and applicators provided.

Bring your foundation and mascara if you wish to apply them.

Bring your makeup brushes if you prefer.

Bring a few items of clothing, 4 to 6 being a good number, if you would like to practice using your palette with items that you own (recommended).

Bring a phone or camera with enough storage space, if you would like a few pictures in your Season colours.

2.5 to 3 hours for the colour analysis and palette demonstration.

3.5 to 4 hours for consultations including cosmetic and hair colour discussion.

Ideally, sessions begin at 9AM for the best light.

To maximize the benefits from your PCA, one week before the appointment, women receive a pre-PCA questionnaire by email to organize our thoughts and focus your desired outcomes. We will discuss it briefly before the draping so that you can share any other relevant concerns.

In the months with fewer daylight hours (October 1 to April 30), one student session is scheduled per day, with a beginning time of 9-9.30AM.

When daylight hours are longer, two sessions are scheduled per day, beginning at 8.30AM.

Group discounts are not available at this time.

Because the makeup acts as a mask layer covering the natural skin tones.

The analysis will be accurate if you wear permanent forms of makeup such as brow or lip liner. Coloured contact lenses are not recommended.

Natural hair colour may be left uncovered unless the hair colour or style distract from the face. However, hair colour is a less complete representation of our colouring than skin tone and unnecessary for the analysis.

Chemical hair colour is always covered with a neutral gray scarf. As with makeup, we do not have the same guarantee of colour harmony with hair dye as we have with natural hair colour. Once we identify your Season, best options for chemical hair colour are provided.

Dissatisfaction with natural hair colour often arises from non-harmonious apparel or makeup. Once clothing and cosmetic colours are adjusted, you may find that your natural hair colour is perfect, with richer pigment, more sparkle, and effortless colour harmony that chemical colour cannot match.

For privacy and security, 18 years is the minimum age for clients and models, unless accompanied by a parent.

By 20 years of age, Season remains the same. Prior to that age, our colouring may be in transition and Season may change. The Season Guide PDF explains how our colour choices may be adjusted throughout the adult years.

The analysis process involves sitting in front of a mirror for 1-2 hours as we observe the effects of changing fabric colours on appearance. The time goes by quickly and we take breaks as needed, but you feel tired for any reason (or have an unexpected sunburn or eye irritation), it may be best to cancel. Please text or email as early as possible.

Yes, or offer a short list of beautiful and specific options.

I believe that natural hair colour is the most flattering for the skin colour and texture, and seamlessly harmonious with the person and wardrobe at all life stages. However, chemical colour or highlights may be added in colours that look beautiful and add gloss, volume, and colour artistry.

If hair has been coloured for many years, the natural colour and darkness level may have been forgotten or be out of date with changes over time.

For your PCA, let as much of the roots grow out as possible. We will gain a more correct appreciation of the hair colours that Nature designed for you, since natural hair contains multiple tones and nuances.

Partner with your hair colourist to determine the technical process or formulas to adjust your colour. Bring your colour palette for the colourist to select the hair colour that will be harmonious with your apparel. We can find pictures to show the colourist, but once equipped with the palette, the documents and conversations that we share, and photographs of the pre-dye hair colour, most women are well prepared to describe their new and improved colour.

An excellent question. Approach the PCA with an open mind. Seeing ourselves as others do is a surprise for everyone.

Allow the objectivity of the PCA process. We may be used to looking the same as we did yesterday and the day before, but confirming old beliefs is not our goal.

The analysis is a visual learning experience unlike any other for understanding how beauty, youth, health, and harmony look for you.

Before the analysis, few have ever seen their best appearance in a way they could recognize. Too many years of less-than-best choices, habit, safety, and well-meaning advice have been absorbed into our beliefs. We almost shy away from our best. Truly, you have no concerns here. We’ll get there together.

Keep a Selfie Diary of the journey. In the very near future, you may be amazed at your previous beliefs, which we will replace with information that is real and true, that everyone will be able to see.

No. The PCA process accurately identifies Season regardless of age, gender, or skin tone.

Within any Season, each person is an individual, with wide variety in apparent skin, eye, and hair colours, and preferences in appearance. Once the Season is identified, we will discuss how to personalize your Season to wear your colours your way.

If ever you think your Season is not right, I drape you again, simple as that. There is no charge for the draping process, though the travel costs are yours.

In the vast majority of cases, the Season result was correct the first time, but the perception of the colours needs a small adjustment. As a client, please contact me at any time with your concerns, most of which we can resolve by email or phone or with pictures.

Yes, of course. We have options for the colour analysis experience without cosmetic or hair colour recommendations (see question 3 above).

Our approach to makeup is focussed on colour rather than application technique. With the right colours, application becomes simple and quick, almost turn-key, with an elegant and natural result.

I encourage it. It is more interactive and we have an assistant to take notes and pictures, if you wish.

If you have any feelings of uncertainty about the PCA, then I strongly encourage it.

Audio or video recordings are not permitted at any time. Photographs are welcome at the end to remember the experience, but not during the analysis as they interrupt and distract us from the process.
