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Become an analyst

About the Training Course

One course is available in April or October 2025.

Please visit Chrysalis Colour under the Training/Careers tab for US-based trainers, Terry Wildfong and Cate Linden.

During this 4-day course, you will learn the theory, process, and practice of Personal Colour Analysis (PCA).

With 7 draping models and private instruction, you will acquire the skills and confidence to analyze your clients’ colouring and guide them in use of their colour palette in all aspects of appearance, including apparel and accessories, cosmetics and hair colour.

Location is Prince Edward Island (PEI), CANADA.

Training is in-person only with one student per course.

For more information or to register, contact Christine.

Please note that we occasionally have a cat on the premises, if you have allergies.

Read what graduates have said in the Training Course Testimonials page.

STEP 1: Becoming A Colour Analyst

The process begins with introducing yourself in an e-mail ( to express your interest in becoming a professional colour analyst.

We will schedule a video chat to talk about your plans and ask any questions you may have. It is helpful to have a list of questions prepared. Though your plans may be in the earliest stages, please feel free to request a conversation if it would help with the decision.

STEP 2: Dates and Travel

Courses are scheduled according to our availability. Dates should be confirmed 3 months prior to the course to schedule draping models.

Once the course is scheduled and the deposit paid, you will receive several documents including detailed information regarding:

  • travel and accommodation
  • daily schedule
  • what to bring and wear
  • payment options and schedule
  • drape purchase, tax regulations, and shipping options and costs
  • studio setup with images and links regarding the mirror, client chair, full spectrum lamps, soft boxes, and other relevant information
  • an outline of required and optional equipment and supply costs for your studio

STEP 3: Training Manual and Intro Package

The introductory package is shipped (at no added cost) once the deposit is paid (CN$400.00), 2 to 4 months before the course begins. The package includes:

  • an introductory letter, with suggestions for the course and meeting models
  • the training manual, entitled Discerning our Natural Colours
  • neutral gray paint swatches
  • neutral gray fabric samples
  • laminated 12 Season map
  • laminated analysis process flow chart

STEP 4: Setup and Supplies

A preliminary studio location is advisable prior to training as early practice after completion of the course is essential to your success. The training manual includes comprehensive shopping lists for your studio. 

STEP 5: The Course

For 2025:

Price: CN4100.00 (includes CN tax), divided into 2 parts:

Deposit : CN400.00 (2-4 months prior)

Balance: CN3700.00 (2 days prior)

Method: PayPal or EMT for Canadians.

Information regarding payment is included in Preparing for the PCA Training Course (from Step 2).

The price includes:

  • 4 day private training course
  • professionally tailored neutral gray analyst coat (available in S, M, L)
  • 1 neutral gray client headscarf (additional CN30 each)
  • 1 neutral gray client cape (additional CN30 each)
  • continued support with your PCA process and results, as needed
  • certificate for framing (9×11″)
  • image to display the 12 BLUEPRINTS banner on your website
  • inclusion in the 12 BLUEPRINTS Colour Analyst Directory
  • invitation to join the colour community at Chrysalis Colour

STEP 6: Test And Luxury Drapes

Collections of Test and Luxury Drapes are available for graduates of the 12 BLUEPRINTS and Your Natural Design colour analyst training courses. Prices as follows:

Test Drapes (80 drapes): US3543.68

Luxury Drapes (180 drapes): US5491.80. (One set available.)

You will receive information with colour classification, use, product specifications, and care, for the Test and Luxury Drapes collections at the time of purchase. 

 Luxury Drapes are generally ready to ship within 4-6 weeks of placing the order and may be purchased at the time of training or at any time thereafter.
