Fabric Colours Set: True Summer

We have a version of every colour in our natural colouring. These are the colours that others see when they look at us, that allow us to be visible. As simple and as complicated as all of Nature's miracles, it happens that all of our colours have the same settings of warm-cool, soft-bright, and lightest to darkest range. This means that they can be grouped together according to these settings.

Your Season is the name for your group of natural colours. With every colour under the same light, in us and all that we wear, our presentation becomes harmonious, as truthful and intricate as everything that Nature made. Having a selection of your colours in various fabrics gives you a head start in understanding the ink on canvas palette, seeing how harmony looks and feels, making great decisions about new items, and together with your Neutrals Sets, building a wardrobe that offers endless possibilities.

Your Colours Set arrives in a plastic envelope with Velcro, button and string, or zipper closure. Inside are 15 pieces of fabric measuring 9 x 4 inches, in a variety of colours and textures to picture your entire wardrobe, imagine colour combinations from quiet to provocative, and create exquisite combinations.

More information for fully appreciating the Colours Set may be found in the post on this site under Shop > Fabrics for Seasons > Using the Fabric Colours Sets

You can also find a blog post and video on this site,Introducing the Fabric Colours Sets.

Season: True Summer.

[Hover over product image to zoom.]

**Purchases of all 12 Seasons of Neutrals Sets or Fabric Colours Sets are available exclusively to colour analysts belonging to the12 Blueprints, Your Natural Design, and TCI communities, trained in the Sci\ART system. If you are a colour analyst purchasing any products including cosmetic or fabric sets, please contact Christine via the form on this site to place the order.**

Prices are displayed in Canadian dollars. Your bank performs the conversion at checkout. Ships to Canada and the USA. EU clients, click Shipping below.

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